miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015

Mitosis vs. Meiosis

La Enciclopedia de la Salud define mitosis como "Proceso de división celular en el cual se reparte el material genético (ADN) y se forman dos células hijas. La mitosis empieza con la división del núcleo celular y sigue con la división del citoplasma de la célula. Consta de varias fases: la interfase, la profase, la metafase, la anafase y la telofase." Por lo tanto podemos decir que el resultado escencial de la mitosis es "la continuación de la informacíon hereditaria de la celula madre" figurando en cada una de las dos celulas hijas que forma y con la misma cantidad de de número de cromosomas.

Mientras que la meiosis se conoce como "Proceso de división celular que da lugar a los gametos (óvulos y espermatozoides) para la reproducción sexual. Durante la meiosis una célula diploide (2n) experimenta dos divisiones sucesivas y se crean cuatro células haploides (n), que al madurar se convierten en gametos" esta es una de las tantas formas de reproducción celular.

Para una mejor explicación comparto los siguientes videos que explican estos procesos aun mas claros:

Palabras motivadoras - Acciones inspiradoras

El video "La huella ecológica del hombre", propuesto por National Geographic, muestra la cantidad de objetos que consumimos, el uso y el desuso, la materia prima que generamos etc. Ahora bien, al ver todos los factores que se ponen en juego uno piensa qué sentido tiene venir a la vida si casi todo lo que hago en el día, desde eructar hasta comer un alfajor, contamina. A esta altura de la vida es casi imposible pretender no contaminar menos de la mitad de lo que contamina una persona desde que nace hasta el día de su muerte ya que, por ejemplo, alimentarse y defecar es algo sumamente necesario para la vida humana y no podemos abstenernos a no cumplirlo porque "contamina". Entonces propongo analizar la siguiente frase propuesta por Wangari Maathai:

"Tengo algo dentro de mí que me dice que hay un problema y que debo hacer algo, así que estoy haciendo algo"

Todos y cada uno de nosotros, aunque no queramos aceptarlo, tenemos en cuenta la problemática actual que es la contaminación, la idea de huella ecológica. Es decir, conocemos "el problema" sin embargo, esta la gente que se preocupa demasiado y realiza cambios mayores, puede ser, el gobierno, una empresa etc. Mientras que también se encuentran personajes individuales que se encargan de mitigar desde su casa. La separación de residuos, reutilizar, reducir y reciclar entre otras tantas opciones que cada uno puede implementar y ayudar a disminuir la huella. Todos deberíamos hacer ese "algo" que Wangari Maathai propone. ¿Por qué no?

"El desarrollo sostenible es cuestión de disiplina. Significa que la humanidad debe satisfacer las necesidades presentes sin comprometer a las generaciones futuras"

La frase anterior propuesta por: Gro Harlem Brundtdlan me conecta automáticamente con la problemática de Obsolescencia Programada que futuro estamos dispuestos a dejarle a nuestros hijos si estamos en constante uso y desuso de materiales que llevan a un "desarrollo (in)sostenible" para la vida humana. A su vez uno debe satisfacerse individualmente pero tratando de no comprometer a futuro la vida en la Tierra. 

"Debemos ser el cambio que deseamos ver en el futuro"

La anterior afirmación fue dicha por Mahatma Ghandi; es verdad que todo lo que realizamos en el presente va a tener un peso distinto en el futuro. Lo mismo sucedío con las generaciones pasadas y la relación con el hoy día. Como comunidad deberiamos pensar que queremos para nuestros hijos y tomar conciencia sobre esto. ¿Qué queremos que quede para los que vienen a futuro?

Comparto la opinion propuesta anteriormente con la frase de Christiana Figueres

"Los más vulnerables necesitan tus soluciones, y las generaciones futuras necesitan tu legado visionario"

"Todo parece imposible hasta que se hace"

Nelson Mandela apunta hacia el intento de hacer algo tan amplio y complicado de solucionar, como puede ser la contaminación, a algo que con solo intentarlo podemos notar que deja de ser imposible. No debemos centrarnos en la idea de que, por ejemplo, "hay muchos papeles en el suelo, si tiro uno mas no va a hacer la diferencia". Debemos hacer el cambio individual para luego generar un cambio en toda la sociedad.

"No se puede resolver un problema con la misma mente que lo creo. Se tiene que aprender a ver el mundo otra vez"

Para finalizar con estas reflexiones tomo la frase propuesta por Albert Einstein con el fin de trasmitir a la comunidad la idea de que aun quedan esperanzas, no todo esta acabado y necesitamos mas de una mente para resolver el problema. Busquemos un mundo renovado, reciclado y reducido. Hagamos arte, movamos montañas si nosotros podemos...

lunes, 13 de julio de 2015

Pink Floyd "The Wall" "Another brick in the wall" analysis

“Another brick in the wall” is a song made by Pink Floyd, sung by Roger Waters and David Guilmoure. It was released in the year 1979 and is one of the main songs of the soundtrack of the movie “The wall”. The song is divided in three parts: the first one called “Another brick in the wall part 1” where the main topic is Pinky´s father leg to war. The second part is called “The happiest days of our lives” and the third one “Another brick in the wall part 2” where the main topic is education and students vs. educational system.

All along the part 1 we find certain rhetorical questions, that we infer, Pinky is making to his own father.“Daddy what else did you leave for me? Daddy, what’d ‘a leave behind for me?!” He lost his father when he was only five months; he went to fight in favor of Great Britain during the Second World War, leaving Pinky and his mother along. This make Pinky live a life full of questions without respond. Since his childhood that the little boy started to create his wall, each brick, I believe, that are steps in life that he had to deal with and there is also, apparition of different feelings towards the happening that makes him what he was while he was a rock star, an anti-system mind.

During the second part, we can find an irony between the title of the song and the lyrics of it. There is no happiness if we are talking of someone, in this case the teachers, who hurt the students, not only physically but emotionally. We can see Pinky being mocked by the teachers and their mates because he was writing some poems. At that moment he enters into a “dream” were the children get on a rebellion against the system. The fact that he is being “bullied” at school is another brick for him and his life. There are certain points in life that framework so hard over him that with all of it create a barrier towards real life. In this part we start to see the way he thinks in relationship with educational system. He shows the main problem in the first lines of this second part: “When we grew up and went to school, there were certain teachers who would, hurt the children in any way they could”.

Simultaneously we enter into the third and last part, of the song; It is the most controversial part of the song where there are different aspects to consider. First of all, the main phrase of “We don´t need no education” which is ambiguous, present, mostly, the children´s dissatisfaction towards the system, they believe that there is another way of handle the situation and no to attend to violence. This phrase is followed by “You´re just another brick in the wall” creating an impact and, again, ambiguity. This metaphoric wall, I infer, that is the state trying to make everyone be as exactly as they can to make the country “stable and organized” what they don’t remember is that each one is different and there are another ways and even better to generate the same idea. For example, making everyone express their thoughts and feelings towards something and get on an agreement of it. Also, we can think of the idea that the wall is an isolated barrier where there is no intention of have any entrance of other countries, not even cultural and people itself.

If we get into details in the video, we can find impressive images; one of it is the one of the kids using masks, this represents the lost of individuality, the idea that we are all the same and there is only one view of the things. Moreover, the most shocking one is the big machine carrying the kids and putting on them this masks where all are marching and following a line where finally they felt into a meat processor. Remarkably, the factory represents the school and the only thing this one does is homogenize the students.

Finally, we get to know that the whole scene is a dream, visualization, of a desire of Pinky to break free from the oppression.

To sum up, the meaning of the movie towards Pinky is a way of showing how each brick he found during his life creates this wall that divides him from society that he was so against off. In addition, The Wall is an objection against school system that does not get any talent from the children; they are only focused in forcing all the students being equalized.

"The happiest days of our lives"

When we grew up and went to school 
There were certain teachers who would 
Hurt the children any way they could 
By pouring their derision 
Upon anything we did 
And exposing every weakness 
However carefully hidden by the kids 
But in the town it was well known 
When they got home at night, their fat and 
Psychopathic wives would thrash them 
Within inches of their lives

In addition to education, the song “The happiest days of our lives” it is completely ironic. The most things that Pink had contribution were the fact that there were aggressions towards innocent people.  “Certain teachers who would hurt the children in any way they could…” this phrase is not “happy” at all, so here we find the irony between the title and what is going one.  Also, the constant repetition of the teacher punching the student back.

On fact we should highlight from the movie is the part where the students fall into the meat grinder; I see this metaphor as a symbol of “we all go to the same place” we are all in the same rubbish bag, we are so blind because of the system that we finally get to fall into them and even die because of them.

We don´t need [no] education

While the song is not the first example of the antieducation theme in popular music, it comes at a time when increasing numbers of students are questioning the value of their education. Thus, young people are responding to the song with uncommon — and unsettling — enthusiasm.

In May [1980], the South African government banned the song — and the album — "because "Another Brick" had become the anthem of a national strike of more than 10,000 "coloured" (mixed) students and their white supporters. The students had been protesting the inequality of spending on education for the various races, as well as "intimidation" by teachers, whose authority the Pink Floyd song challenges. The government ban forbids radio stations to play the record, stores to sell it, and individuals to own it.

I completely agree with the proposal of the movie, we should not follow a strictly system where we don’t have any voice and rights to think the way each one thinks. We are all persons that are born and sooner or later died, so we should all have the same access to education.  Although, we need a good education in order not to generate social problems. From my point of view, everyone should have the same opportunity and the way of teaching should be equal then it is over the student the idea of choosing what they have already learnt or not, always following the laws.

The education is a way of maintain the social control and human behavior imposed by the state, is the state the ones who have the premise of making the population "good" citizens to a healthy and harmonious coexistence. I think the education is the one to blame over the problems in each state.